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Prepping the area a week prior makes the tattoo process/healing better! Here's everything you need to know about your tattoo!
Make sure to read everything on this page!
- Drink lots of water: it is important for your skin to be healthy and rejuvenated.
- Moisturize area where tattoo is going. Skin needs to be in the best shape for a tattoo.
- Stay out of the sun: wear long sleeves.
- Exfoliate the area where you are getting the tattoo, healthy skin = better results!
- All appointments require a minimum of 48 hours notice for cancellation. If cancelled with over 48 hours notice, your deposit may be applied to a future appointment.
- All appointments require at least 48 hours notice to reschedule. If 48 hours notice is given, your deposit may be applied to your new appointment.
- If an appointment is rescheduled more than twice, your deposit will be forfeited.
- Please let us know if you are running late for an appointment. Call 734-564-1260
- If you are 30 minutes or more late for an appointment without advance notice, you may forfeit your deposit, lose your appointment and be required to reschedule and leave a new deposit.
Thank you for choosing The Branded Barby as your tattoo shop! We are so exited to tattoo you!
Please make sure that you are prepared for your appointment!
- Wallet: Photo ID for paperwork
- If under 18: Photo ID for parent and minor, Birth Certificate for minor, names must match on both ID's
- Money (always bring extra: if your tattoo takes longer and to tip your artist!)
- Reference photos printed out and on phone Extra pair of clothes: ink can sometimes get on clothes
- Extra socks: SMELLY FEET (if you want to take your shoes off)
- Deodorant Gum Snacks: You want your blood sugar to be up: Chips, Water, Gatorade, Candy
- Book, Phone, IPad Headphones
- Extra long charger cord with block or powerbank
- Tripod to hold phone to watch TV
- Stress ball for pain Pillow
- Dove or Dial Antibacterial Soap Aquaphor: first 1-3 days
- Aveeno or Lubriderm Unscented lotion : after first 1-3 days of Aquaphor
- Paper Towels
- Use an Electric Razor only! Entire area/extra around area of tattoo
- Please leave the regular blade shaving to the artist: we don't want nicks/cuts
- You need to be well rested for your tattoo.
- Eat a big meal with carbs. You need to be energized and your body needs nutrients!
- Shower, use deodorant and bring your tattoo bag.
- Hourly appointments start at your scheduled appointment time (unless discussed otherwise). You will be charged from your appointment time if you are late.
- Please make sure to tell your artist if you have any prior experiences during a procedure of getting dizzy, light headed, fainting, etc. before your session starts.
- We want you to feel comfortable. Please let us know if we can do anything to make you more comfortable during your appointment. We do care!!!!
- Please make sure all spelling is CORRECT before the stencil is applied. Make any changes (size, design, etc.) before the stencil is made or hand drawn on.
*All of these are suggestions from our LICENSED tattoo artists. Please listen to your artist and follow directions about prep and aftercare. WE KNOW BEST! Just because your friend of a friend's uncle's brother told you otherwise, we are LICENSED and EXPERIENCED for a reason!
- If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, suggestions... please talk with your artist. We want the best outcome for your tattoo. Remember it is on your body forever, put some thought into it!
- Come prepared to have fun! The Branded Barby is awesome!
- Tattoo Approximate Healing Time: 2-4 weeks
- Aftercare Instructions:
Keep your new tattoo bandaged for approximately two (2) hours. Then carefully remove bandage and wash entire area with mild soap and cool water. Pat the area dry with a paper towel, and re-apply a mild skin lotion/ointment. Use only a very thin coating and continue to re-apply it two-four (2-4) times daily for at least three (3) days. Do not re- bandage the tattoo, as it could stick to the bandage and damage can occur. *Some aftercare instructions may differ from customer to customer. Your artist will explain the best aftercare to you!
- Additional Considerations:
Avoid sunburn, salt or chlorine water, or hot tubs until your tattoo is completely healed. In the event mild scabbing occurs, do not pick at or attempt to “wash off” the scab. Allow it to do so by itself. You may apply a mild skin lotion to keep “flaking” to a minimum.
- If you have any questions or concerns:
Contact the body art facility where your tattoo was performed. In addition, you should seek medical attention if the tattoo site becomes infected or painful, or if you develop a fever shortly after being tattooed
Recommended Aftercare Products:
- Dove or Dial Antibacterial soap
- Aveeno or Lubriderm Unscented Lotion
*Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Minimal Aftercare Instructions for Tattoo
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